I found Jasdeep I think back from high school and went in with her for our first lecture. First thing I noticed: didn't recognize anyone. Weird. Second thing I noticed: oh hey it's my facilitator from sem 1 bio. Third thing: we got timetables, what we have to allocate our labs and tutes? Eh? Why does the course code have a "2" in it. Could it be we're in the wrong class? But the timetable said WLT 1 or 2 ........... While I brought it up, we discussed it and bailed the room. The teacher at the time said, "if you guys are going to be loud and talk, you are most welcome to leave the room" LOL was directed to everyone of course. We were in a 2nd year bio class. FAIL.
Found out we had the class at 1 instead D: bummed around a bit. She bought hot chocolate, I wanted one too but kinda broke so :/ Went to class and nodded off and on for a possible 5 minutes altogether, not bad I say :D
Right afterwards, moved to other room for discipline meeting. Looks like every 3 weeks I have a seminar that's all on Tuesday 3-5pm. Eww. On top of that, 2 3 hr clinical observation things for assessment - some 750 words essay will be based on it. IT'S DUE NOVEMBER 5. AGES AWAY MUCH? Guess where they're placed? Monday 2-5pm, and Wednesday 4-7pm. MY EYES BULGED AT 7PM. WHUT. STEPH SAVE ME ;_;
Other than that, not too bad of a day ^^ Beautiful day - no rain! clouds + sunshine :D (can't believe last week, the one or two days I went out and they were BOTH raining, I was lacking sun, WHERE WAS IT?)
Whole day I pretty much played P3P - Persona 3 Portable, new game I'm obsessed with.


What I love most are the voices (except a few) but my favourite by far is Yukari since she has the same voice as Rita in Tales of Vesperia OH YEAH. SCORE. So currently Level 21, Tarturus: Block 2, Floor 59 or so.... on another boss ;_; they're hard, but provide the most adrenaline COZ YOU CAN ACTUALLY DIE. I've forgotten to save I think 4 times so I've lost perhaps 6 hrs, lol thus the "+" in the game count I stated earlier. Oh wow look at me rambling on and on and on. Also been marathoning Chuck as well. Season 2, Episode 11. YEAH :D I think I'm missing 13... ;A; I'll find out later tonight I guess. AN!!
So a-hem shall wrap it up now with this image:

This is the first time I actually love or actually LIKE a PSP game oAo;; I'm glad I've found this game so my PSP can stop collecting dust :] (or until I get it re-cracked) and so thankful that PSP has such a long life span <3 lasted my entire trip and still had two bars left on battery. That reminds me, a chinese lady asked me if a bus had left and when the next bus was coming in chinese. Hey I'm not too rusty, I can still communicate :Db
P.S: Ever had these biscuits before?