So, will linkie when everything is all sorted and other stuffffffff =] oh I'm going to have fun commenting on them all and throwing copyright signs here and there

Hopefully room doesn't become this messy and is that a Totem poll!? O_O
I'd like a coffee machine :]
I'd like a coffee machine :]
Btw, I've kind of sliced/cut part of my finger while cooking (it's a first ever D8 argh!!) and it hurts to eat with chopsticks and hold pacers ;_; so glad they have that soft padding for grip. I need it. My tablet pen doesn't..... uh oh ;~;
Almost hit level 100 on Tartarus of P3P!! WOO Just need to beat the stupid mini-boss. 3 stupid thing and I didn't figure out they were weak to Fire until I was pretty much dead *rage* Character Level currently 34 :]b
Almost hit level 100 on Tartarus of P3P!! WOO Just need to beat the stupid mini-boss. 3 stupid thing and I didn't figure out they were weak to Fire until I was pretty much dead *rage* Character Level currently 34 :]b
whoa, that's such a nice picture *saves*, but LOL at the totem poll! HAAAAHAHAHA xD how random *clutter, clutter clutter, totem poll, clutter, clutter*
ReplyDeleteand LOL we've both cut our fingers while cutting veges at homeeee. teh owies xD i had to wash my hair the day i cut it and was like D8, but then dad suggested cutting the thumb off a glove and taping it to my thumb with bandaids... brilliant, i say! lawl.
HAHAHHAHAHAAH OMG you know that thingy that you have to put to post the comment, like the random letters or wtv? the one i just got was "bakstabi" LOLLLLLL
Yeah, I only noticed it when I uploaded it and went "hang on is that face next to her? Wait, what the heck is that--!?" IT'S REALLY RANDOM.
ReplyDelete:O That is brilliant!! But hopefully by the time it was shower time, my wound had kind of healed over, as in sealed or w/e UNTIL JUST THEN as you know LOL can't believe it reopnened accidentally ARGH. My patience.
lol! Don't go stabbing me now you hear me? :P My last one for yours was "prouse" o.O;;
LOL i didnt even notice until you pointed it out in your blog. and yeah, mine kept reopening too, if i so mcuh as bumped it ... so annoying, hahah, but how awesome is that thingy, its like.. is it trying to tell me something xD hahaha
ReplyDeleteI like the totem pole. :3 Also, the fish on the right hand side is very very distracting and fun to play with! xDD