TODAY I ATE SO MUCH ICE CREAM. WHY? BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW. NOW I FEEL ALL FAT AND ROTUND 8|... Kim brought cookies and cream ice cream - breaky, went to 5 and 2 Korean restaurant for lunch and also had green tea ice cream, and then mum couldn't finish her butterscotch and honeycomb ice cream after dinner..... ;A; THIS IS NOT HEALTHY. *goes to starve tomorrow/eat very little* MUST SAVE MONEY TOO. *shouted everyone ice cream at lunch* YOSH.
So later we went to look at Birth by Sleep pictures. HOLY SHI-- I've fallen for Aqua.

I want to draw her now ;_;
Currently listening to these shitty album singles I dl-ed. Do NOT listen to the Shiki ED single - I wanted to rip my ears off. It's so bad. But alas, I have the rule of listening to everything at least once. Can't wait till this playlist gets to K-ON!!'s "Gohan wa Okazu" and "U&I". 2 songs to go!
Apparently I have to play Birth by Sleep in the order of: Terra, Ventus, Aqua. Roger that. AQUA FOR LAST. YEAH. BEST FOR LAST RIGHT? Went on a massive but mini picture hunt [oh how contradicting] I would go further in searches, but alas, homework research calls. Stupid HIV/AIDs assignment. Here's the best find for the night :D Open it fully. I don't care if your net is slow or capped or w/e. It's the best 8.64MB you'll ever open:
It's okay xD Ice cream is too yum to ignore x3 !
ReplyDeleteBut omg ;A; Aqua! I like the costume designnn! I ..feel like drawing too ..too bad I have too much work to do >>" :C
Recently blogged about: Easy A: Win double pass movie ticket
Ice cream <3.... NO I must stay away from it for a while D8<
ReplyDeleteFantastic costume design ;A; Ugh, work is now all piling up ; u ; less time to draw boo.